actress 女演員
answer the phone接電話
Apr.四月 (縮寫)
aren’t = are not
artist 畫家
at about…?…?怎么樣
Aug. 八月(縮寫)
a 一個
a lot 許多
about 關于
across 穿過
act 表演
active 活躍的
actively 積極地
activity book 活動手冊
actor 男演員
actress 女演員
African 非洲的
afternoon 下午
in the afternoon 在下午
age 年級
ago 。以前
all 所有
along 沿著
always 總是
am (我)是
AM 在早晨
America 美國
and 和
animal 動物
any 任何的
a piece of 一片
apple 蘋果
April 四月
are 是(復數)
arm 胳膊
armchair 扶手椅
around 在。周圍
art 美術、藝術
ask 問
at 在
at home 在家
aunt 姑媽
Australia 澳大利亞
autumn 秋天
keep [(1) to possess; (2) to have for oneself]They kept the old house for a long time. (1)He keeps most of the money that he earns. (2)
kick [to hit with the foot]How far can you kick the ball?
kidnap [to seize and take away by force]The man kidnapped the boy but released him after the family paid him a million dollars.
kill [(1) to make dead; (2) to cause to die]The woman killed her three husbands for their money. (1)The blight killed almost every chestnut tree in the United States. (2)
kind [(1) sort; (2) gentle; (3) caring; (4) helpful]What kind of dog is that? (1)He is a kind man. (2)She was a kind mother to all her children. (3)A kind old man told me where to find your house. (4)
kiss [to touch with the mouth to show love or honor]Do you remember your first kiss?
knife [a tool or weapon used to cut]The knife that he found was very sharp.
know [(1) to understand something as correct; (2) to have the facts about; (3) to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before]I know the answer to your question. (1)Do you know how deep the river is here? (2)He knew her for many years. (3)
knowledge [(1) that which is known; (2) learning or understanding]A huge library in Alexandria, Egypt, was the world's center of knowledge 2,300 years ago. (1)You can use the Internet computer system to find knowledge about a great many subjects. (2)
A:1.act 動作 2.aim 瞄準B:1.bar 酒吧 小賣鋪 2.bat 蝙蝠C:1.cap 棒球帽 2.cot 幼兒床D:1.den 獸穴 2.dig 挖;刨E:1.evil 極壞的 2.eye 眼睛F:1.fib 假話 2.fry 煎;炒G:1.god 上帝 2.gun 槍H:1.hill 山岡 2.hug 擁抱I:1.ice 冰 2.if 如果J:1.jam 果醬 2.job 工作K:1.kid 小孩 2.key 鑰匙L:1.leg 腿 2.lie 躺;平臥M:1.May 五月 2.mix 混合N:1.now 現在 2.nut 堅果O:1.old 老的 2.or 或者P:1.pat 輕拍 2.peg 釘;鉤Q:實在想不出來..——|R:1.rag 抹布 2.run 跑S:1.sad 悲傷的 2.sea 海T:1.two 二 2.top 頂部U:1.use 使用 2.up 上V:1.vet (縮寫)獸醫 2.vase 花瓶W:1.win 獲勝 2.way 道路X:也想不出來...Y:1.yes 是;對 2.you 你Z:1.zip 拉鏈 2.zoo 動物園想到一個就寫一個,也不曉得能不能幫上你的忙..
home、room、bedroom、bathroom、living room、kitchen、classroom、school、park、library、post office、hospital、cinema、bookstores、farm、zoo、garden、study、playground、canteen、teacher‘s office、gym、wsahroom、art room、computer room、music room、TV room、flat、company、factory、fruit stand、pet shop、nature park、science museum、the Great Wall、supermarket、bank、country、village、city(不知道齊不齊)