目錄三年級上冊單詞表全部速學網 人教版英語三年級上冊單詞表 三年級上冊單詞表圖片 三年級上冊1—8單詞表 電子書三年級上冊英語單詞表
Unit 1
pen 鋼筆
pencil 鉛筆
pencil-case 鉛筆盒
ruler 尺子
eraser 橡皮
crayon 蠟筆
book 書
bag 書包
sharpener 卷筆刀
school 學校晌鋒
Unit 2
head 頭
face 臉
nose 鼻子
mouth 嘴
eye 眼睛
ear 耳朵
arm 胳膊
finger 手指
leg 腿
foot 腳
body 身體
Unit 3
red 紅色的
yellow 黃色的
green 綠色的
blue 藍色的
purple 紫色的
white 白色的州伏
black 黑色的
orange 橙色的
pink 粉色的
brown 棕色的
Unit 4
cat 貓
dog 狗
monkey 猴子
panda 熊貓宴跡晌
rabbit 兔子
duck 鴨子
pig 豬
bird 鳥
bear 熊
elephant 大象
mouse 老鼠
squirrel 松鼠
Unit 5
cake 蛋糕
bread 面包
hot dog 熱狗
hamburger 漢堡包
chicken 雞肉
French fries 榨薯條
Coke 可樂
juice 果汁
milk 牛奶
water 水
tea 茶
coffee 咖啡
Unit 6
one 一
two 二
three 三
four 四
five 五
six 六
seven 七
eight 八
nine 九
ten 十
doll 玩具娃娃
boat 小船
ball 球
kite 風箏
balloon 氣球
car 小汽車
plane 飛機
Unit 1
boy 男孩
girl 女孩
teacher 教師
student 學生
this 這個
my 我的
friend 朋友
I’m=I am 我是
nice 好的;愉快的
good morning 早上好
good afternoon 下午好
meet 遇見;碰見
goodbye 再見
too 也;太
小學英語三年級上冊單詞表(人教版) Unit 1
pen [pen]鋼筆
pencil ['pens?l]鉛備鏈橋筆
pencil-case ['pens?lkeis]鉛筆盒
ruler ['ru:l?]尺子
eraser [i'reiz?]橡皮
crayon ['krei?n]蠟筆
book [buk]書
bag [b?ɡ]書包
school [sku:l]學校
Unit 2
head[hed] 頭
face[feis] 臉
nose[n?uz] 鼻子
mouth ]mauθ]嘴
eye [ai]眼睛
ear [i?]耳朵
arm[ɑ:m] 胳膊
finger['fi?ɡ?] 手指
leg [leɡ]腿
foot [fut]腳
body ['b?di]身體
Unit 3
red [red]紅色的
yellow ['jel?u]黃色的
green [ɡri:n]綠色的
blue [blu:]藍色的
purple ['p?:pl] 紫色的
white [hwait] 白色的
black [bl?k]黑色的
orange ['?rind?] 橙色的
pink [pi?k]粉色的
brown [braun]棕色的
Unit 4
cat [k?t] 貓
dog [d?ɡ, d?:ɡ]狗
monkey ['m??ki]猴子
panda ['p?nd?]熊貓
rabbit ['r?bit]兔子
duck d?k] 鴨子
pig [piɡ]豬
bird [b?:d]鳥
bear [bε?]熊
elephant ['elif?nt]大象
mouse ]maus, mauz]老鼠
squirrel ['skw?:r?l] 松鼠
Unit 5
cake [keik] 蛋糕
bread [bred]面包
hot dog 熱狗
hamburger ['h?mb?:ɡ?]漢堡包chicken ['t?ikin]雞肉
French [frent?] Fries 榨薯條Coke [k?uk] 可樂
juice [d?u:s] 果汁
water['w?:t?] 水
coffee ['k?fi]咖啡
Unit 1 pen 鋼筆 pencil 鉛筆 pencil-case 鉛筆盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蠟喚茄筆 book 書 bag 書包槐肢 sharpener 卷筆刀 school 學校 Unit 2 head 頭 face 臉 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 胳膊 finger 手指 leg 腿 foot 腳 body 身體 Unit3 red 紅色的 yellow 黃色的 green 綠色的 blue 藍色的 purple 紫色的 white 白色的 black 黑色的 orange 橙色的 pink 粉色的 brown 棕色的 Unit 4 cat 貓 dog 狗 m o n k e y 猴子 panda 熊貓 rabbit 兔子 duck 鴨子 pig 豬 bird 鳥 bear 熊 elephant 大象 mouse 老鼠 squirrel 松鼠 Unit 5 cake 蛋糕 bread 面包 hot dog 熱狗 hamburger 漢堡包 chicken 雞肉 French fries 榨薯條 Coke 可樂 juice 果汁 milk 牛奶 water 水 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 Unit 6 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 doll 玩具和明察娃娃 boat 小船 ball 球 kite 風箏 balloon 氣球 car 小汽車 plane 飛機
Unit 1
pen:唯薯[pen] 鋼筆 pencil:['pensl] 鉛筆 pencil-case:['penslkeis] 鉛筆盒 ruler:['ru:l?] 尺子 eraser:[i'reis?] 橡皮 crayon:['krei?n] 蠟筆
book:[buk] 書 bag:[b?g] 書包 sharpener:['?ɑ:p?n?] 卷筆刀 school :[sku:l]學校
Unit 2
head:[hed] 頭 face[feis] 臉 nose:[n?uz] 鼻子 mouth:[mauθ] 嘴
eye:[ai] 眼睛 ear:[i?] 耳朵 arm:[ɑ:m] 胳膊 finger['fi?g?] 手指
leg:[leg]腿 foot:[fut] 腳 body:['b?di] 身體
Unit 3
red:[red] 紅色的 yellow:['jel?u] 黃色的 green:[gri:n] 綠色的 blue:[blu:] 藍色的 purple:['p?:pl] 紫色的 white:[hwait] 白色的 black:[bl?k] 黑色的 orange:['?:rind?] 橙色的 pink:[pi?k] 粉色的 brown:[braun] 棕指畝者色的
Unit 4
cat:[k?t] 貓 dog:[d?g] 狗 monkey:['m??ki] 猴子
panda:['p?nd?] 熊貓 rabbit:['r?bit] 兔子 duck:[d?k] 鴨子
pig:[pig] 豬 bird[b?:d] 鳥 bear:[b??] 熊 elephant:['elif?nt] 大象
mouse:[maus] 老鼠 squirrel:['skwir?l] 松鼠
Unit 5
cake:[keik] 蛋糕 bread:[bred] 面包 hot dog:[h?t][d?g] 熱狗 hamburger :['h?mb?:g?]漢堡包 chicken:['t?ikin] 雞肉 French fries 榨薯條 Coke 可樂 juice:[d?u:s] 果汁 milk:[milk] 牛奶 water:['w?:t?] 水 tea:[ti:] 茶 coffee:['k?fi] 咖啡
Unit 6
one:[w?n] 一 o:[tu:] 二 three:[θri:] 三 four:[f?:] 四
five:[faiv] 五 six:[siks] 六 seven:['sevn] 七 eight:[eit] 八 nine:[nain] 九 ten :[ten]十 doll:[d?l] 玩具娃娃 boat:[b?ut] 小船 ball:[b?:l] 球 kite:[kait] 風箏 balloon:[b?'lu:n] 氣球 car :[kɑ:]小汽車 plane:[plein] 飛機
Unit 1
boy:[b?i] 男孩 girl:[g?:l] 女孩 teacher:['ti:t??] 教師 student:['stju:d?nt] 學生 this:[eis] 這個 my:[mai] 我的 friend:[frend] 朋友 I’m=I am 我是 nice:[nais] 好的愉快的 good morning :[gud]['m?:ni?]早上好
good afternoon::[gud]['ɑ:ft?'nu:n] 下午好 meet:[mi:t]遇見;碰見
goodbye:[,gud'bai] 再見 too :[tu:]也;太
Unit 2
father:['fɑ:e?]爸爸 dad:[d?d] 爸爸口語 mother:['m?e?] 母親;媽媽 mom:[m?m] 媽媽口語 man:[m?n] 男人 woman:耐基['wum?n] 女人 grandmother['gr?nd,m?e?] 外 祖母 grandma:['gr?ndmɑ:] (口語)(外)祖母
grandfather:['gr?nd,fɑ:e?](外)祖父 grandpa:['gr?ndpɑ:] (口語)(外)祖父 sister:['sist?] 姐妹 brother:['br?e?] 兄妹 let’s=let us 讓我們 great:[greit] 太好了really:['ri?li] 真地;確切地 and:[?nd] 和;并且
Unit 3
eleven:[i'levn] 十一 elve:[elv] 十二 thirteen:['θ?:ti:n] 十三 fourteen:['f?:'ti:n] 十四 fifteen:['fif'ti:n] 十五 sixteen:['siks'ti:n] 十六 seventeen:[,sevn'ti:n] 十七 eighteen:['ei'ti:n] 十八 nieen:['nain'ti:n] 十九 enty:['enti] 二十 how many :[hau]:['meni]多少
can:[k?n] 能夠;可以 look at:[luk][?t] 看;瞧
Unit 4
peach:[pi:t?] 桃 pear:[p??] 梨 orange:['?:rind?] 橙子 watermelon:['w?:t?,mel?n] 西瓜apple:['?pl] 蘋果 banana:[b?'nɑ:n?] 香蕉 strawberry:['str?:b?ri] 草莓 grape:[greip] 葡萄 like:[laik] 喜歡 some:[s?m] 一些;某些 thanks 多謝
Unit 5
bus:[b?s] 公共汽車bike:[baik] 自行車 taxi:['t?ksi] 出租車 jeep:[d?i:p] 吉普車 desk:[desk] 課桌 chair:[t???] 椅子 Walkman 隨身聽 lamp:[l?mp] 臺燈 your:[ju?] 你的;你們的 zoo:[zu:] 動物園
Unit 6
*** all:[ *** ?:l] 小的 big:[big] 大的 long:[l??] 長的 short:[??:t] 短的;矮的 tall:[t?:l] 高的 giraffe:[d?i'rɑ:f] 長頸鹿 deer:[di?] 鹿
I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, I can trace back. to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization.It can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit. Secondly, reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon.In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on scithee, politics, life and society. Thirdly, reading bridge the gap beeen my dream and my goal. In ordcr to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practising.Reading has bee part of my life. Every day, I spend some time reading books, newspapcrs and magazines. At night, I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand.我的愛好我有許多愛好,譬如:讀書、滑冰、看電視,讀書是我最喜歡的。
小學三年級英語作文:our library
It bas bright reading rooms, modern facilities, and efficient staff. These facilities provide the students with a good condition to further their knowledge.圖書館有明亮的閱覽室、現代化的設施和工作效率高的職員,這些設施為學生們提供了深造的環(huán)境。
The library has a collection of all kinds of books.Academic reading materials, novels, newspapers, magazines, etc. meet the needs of various people.And in thisera of in formation explosion our library is by no means behind the times.You can obtain the latest information in almost all fields here in our library.圖書館里有各種書籍。
I often read in the library.This can save mo both time and trouble to buy new books.Another reason is that I prefer the atmosphere there sitting at a big table together with other tireless readers. I always feel a motive to study much harder. I hope I can re member all the knowledge derived from these books one day.我經常在圖書館里讀書。
my dreameveryone have there own dream, i also 。
i want to be a teacher when i grown up,because i hope i can play with students forever ! i'll study hard for my dream .我的夢想每個人都有他們自己的夢想,同樣我也是。
Dogs-狗DogsNowadays many people like to have dogs as their pets. Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters.Dogs can do a lot of work for man. They play with us. They hunt with us. They keep door for us. But long ago, dogs all over the world were wild.Dogs can date back to the Stone Age. All dogs have the same ancestor. It is believed that their ancestor was much like a wolf. Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, man began to tame wild dogs. After the dogs were tamed, they were trained. The strong dogs became working animals. They were trained to pull heavy loads. They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other animals. Working dogs had other jobs, too.Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt for game. Other dogs were best as pets.Today, there are more than 100 kinds of dogs in the world.狗現在許多人都把狗當作他們的寵物。
1、 My good friendI have a friend.She is a beautiful girl.She name is Amy . She is tall and thin.She is very funny.She likes listening to music.She likes drawing pictures,too.2、My lifel'm a student.I often get up at 6:40 in the morning.I eat breakfast at 7:00.Then I go to school by bike at 7:20.l study Chinese 、English and math classes every day.l like my life very much.3、lHi! l'm a student. My name is Amy.l'm a girl.l study in--------- school.Every day,l study with my friend.May.28th is my birthday.l like summer best. Because l can swimming .4、 My familyThere are 3 people in my family.My dad is a doctor . My mom is a nurse.Their work in hospital.l'm a student .l love my family very much!
My BedroomI have a *** all but fortable and tidy bedroom. There are a single bed, a desk, a chair and a beoksheff in my bedroom. The bookshelf is near the window. I put all the books I love best and some classical music CDs on it. On the west wall there hangs a violin. It is my favorite. I usually play it to enjoy myself at my spare time. 我有一間雖然不大但很舒適整潔的臥室。
轉載請注明出處作文大全網 ? 三年級所有英語單詞
Unit 1國家與人物
1. UK 英國 2. Canada 加拿大 3. USA美國 4. China中國 5.she 她 6.student 學生
8.he 他 9.teacher 教師
10.boy男孩 11.and和;與 12.girl女孩 13.new新的 14.friend 朋友 15.today 今天 Unit 2
1. father父親;爸爸 2. dad (口語)爸爸;爹正答爹
3. man男人 4. woman女人 5. mother母親;媽媽 6. sister 姐;妹 7. brother 兄;弟 8. grandmother(外)祖母
9. grandma (口語)
(外)祖母 10. grandfather(外)祖父
11. grandpa (口語)
12. family 家;家庭
Unit 3 描述人物 1.thin瘦的 2.fat 胖的;肥的 3.tall 高的 4.short矮的;短的 5.long長的 6.small小的 7.big大的
8.giraffe長頸鹿 9.so這么;那么
10.children(child的復數) 兒童 11.tail尾巴
Unit 4方位介詞 1.on在……上 2.in在……里 3.under 在……下面 4.chair椅子 5.desk書桌 6.cap帽子 7.ball球 8.car 小汽車 9.boat小船此清拍 10. map地圖
11. toy玩具 12. box盒;箱
Unit 5 水果 1.pear梨 2.apple蘋果 3.orange橙子4.banana香蕉 5.watermelon 西瓜 6.strawberry草莓 7.grape葡萄
8.buy 買 9.fruit水果 Unit 6
eleven十一 2.twelve十二 3.thirteen十三 4.fourteen十四 5.fifteen十五 6.sixteen十六 7.seventeen十七 8.eighteen 十八 9.nineteen 十九 10. twenty二十
11.kite 風箏 12.beautiful美麗的