Red light, red light! What do you say? I say stop, stop, stop! When we see a red light, it means we must stop. This is very important for our safety. Whether we are walking or driving, we must always obey the red light.
Yellow light, yellow light! What do you say? I say wait, wait, wait! The yellow light is a warning. It tells us that the red light is coming soon. So, when we see a yellow light, we should prepare to stop.
Green light, green light! What do you say? I say go, go, go! The green light means it’s safe to cross the road or continue driving. However, we must still be careful and look both ways before crossing.
In conclusion, traffic signals are essential for our safety and the smooth flow of traffic. By understanding and following these simple rules, we can all contribute to a safer community. Remember, red means stop, yellow means wait, and green means go. Let’s stay safe and be responsible citizens!