目錄綜合英語教程3第三版Unit 1 綜合英語教程3電子書PDF 全新版大學英語第二版聽說教程3 大學英語綜合教程3welearn答案 大學英語3電子版教材
Human Cloning: A Scientist's Story
Dr. Samuel Wood via interview
I was extremely close with my
mother all my life. She was a brilliant educator, writer and wonderful woman.
Sadly, she developed complications related to diabetes. When she lost her
eyesight and most of her ability to walk, it was absolutely horrifying for me.
She passed away from a fall seven or eight years ago. At her funeral, I swore
that one day I'd do something about conditions like hers.
2. Years passed and I read about the work the South Koreans had done
with stem cells. In 2004 and 2005 Hwang Woo-Suk fraudulently reported that he
had succeeded in creating human embryonic stem cells by cloning.
3. Back then it wasn't known it was a fraud, so it was very exciting
to think that a long list of diseases could be treated.
4. I founded the stem cell research company Stemagen with another
gentleman whose father had died of ALS. We went out for drinks one night and we
started talking about our parents. We wanted to do something that would be a
legacy for them.
5. For Better Or Worse?
6. The moment we decided to start Stemagen, I read all there was to
read about the various cloning efforts in the past. The cloned sheep Dolly in
1997 was very interesting, but at that stage people were not focusing on the
stem cell aspect of cloning; they were focusing on the reproductive
possibilities of cloning.
7. Human reproductive cloning is just simply wrong ethically from a
medical standpoint and a scientific standpoint, even ignoring any religious
issues associated with it. The reason is that the majority of reproductive
clones in other species are actually abnormal, with very high miscarriage
rates, very high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth, et
8. It would just be absolutely wrong to take a human being and put
them through what may well involve significant suffering for really no good
end. Even though people could take the techniques that we've developed and
attempt to do it (or perhaps even be successful doing it), we hope that they
would not.
9.On the other hand,
therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and
actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in real
human beings who are going through some awful things.
10. I'm a pure scientist in some ways, and I know that many
different studies or findings could be used for evil. Our job as scientists is
to make the most of this technology and make it available to the greatest
number of other scientists who can help us do good things with it. There's
really no effective way for an individual scientist to stop someone else from
using the knowledge for something they shouldn't.
11. We need to be honest about the techniques that we used. They
need to be able to be replicated by other people, and so, we are providing a
roadmap. I would hope that the legislation that's in place and the great public
disapproval that would result from any attempt to clone a human would dissuade
anyone from going down that path.
12. What is it they say? There is no technology that hasn't been
used for some evil purpose at some point. Quite honestly I do think that
someone will attempt human reproductive cloning. I do think it's inevitable,
and it's virtually impossible to legislate that away.
13. Claim to Fame
14. I am spoken of as the first man to "clone himself."
There are different types of cloning. At the cellular level, yes, it's true I
am the first man to clone himself. We thought a great deal about how to deal
with the issue of whose cells we should use and whether we should let the world
and the scientific community know who the first cellular clone was.
15.In the end we decided
that we wanted to put a human face on cloning.
16. I didn't anticipate it would create the firestorm of controversy
that it's created, but I'm still glad we went down that path. We received
thousands of e-mails and phone calls from people who need help.
17. I think by coming forward and putting a face to it we made it
very real, and now people around the world know that cloning is here. I believe
that very soon it will be used therapeutically, so I think our purpose was
18. Pure Science
19. What happens is an informed and consenting woman donates an egg
and we remove her genetic material from the egg. Then we place a single skin
cell inside that egg.
20. What we're really interested in is creating disease-specific and
person-specific stem cell lines. The procedure of taking cells from a person
takes no more than a minute or two. You can take some skin cells from the arm,
for example, and in one to two minutes, you can get the cells that you need to
carry out this process.
21. This process enables us to study the causes of specific
diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease, ALS or Parkinson's Disease, and then
research a variety of treatments for these diseases. If the stem cell lines are
created for any given individual and are later transplanted back into the
individual, they will not be rejected by the individual.
22. Sweet Success
23. I always thought that when our research was successful I would
just be pleased that we had accomplished this when others had not. In reality,
it is transcendent — when you look through the microscope, you see what you may
have looked like a long time ago, at least in part.
24. When I looked down and saw that cloned blastocyst, it brought
tears to my eyes.I had done this for my
mother, and I realized, had she only been able to live a few years longer,
maybe we could have used this technology to help her. It was emotional to see
that potential, which she never had a chance to experience.
25. There's a big misconception out there that we decided to destroy
these embryos for some reason.There was
so much skepticism about this process because of the scientific fraud from the
past that it was critical that there be no doubt that they were clones.
26. In the process of analysis, the embryos were destroyed by
necessity. In other words, to get the genetic material from inside the cells to
analyze it, you have to destroy the cell. We would have loved to have been able
to avoid destroying them.
27. Now we're working full-time on creating stem cell lines, and
people are watching with great interest.
28. The Pope And The President
29. There are a variety of opponents to our work.
30. We were condemned by theVaticanand mentioned in a negative
light in President Bush's State of the Union address. In a sense it's an honor
because it shows that we're doing something significant. It's not every day
that you get condemned by theVaticanand President Bush in the same week.
31. There's usually no dialogue between the researchers in the
embryonic stem cell field and those who oppose it.
32. It doesn't make sense to me that it's such an emotional and
contentious topic. Logically, this is not life. I agree it's a potential life,
but the vast majority of embryos never become life. The majority generate,
don't implant and die. A fetus is a life. That argument makes sense to me, but
it doesn't make sense to me to look at an embryo in a lab and give it all the
rights of a human life.
The Watery Place
Issac Asimov
1 We're never going to have visitors from space. No extraterrestrials will ever land on Earth -- at least, any more.
水 鄉
2I'm not just being a pessimist. As a matter of fact, extraterrestrials have landed. I know that. Space ships are crisscrossing space among a million worlds, probably, but they will never come here. I know that, too. All on account of a ridiculous error.
3I'll explain.
4It was actually Bart Cameron's error and you'll have to understand about Bart Cameron. He's the sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idaho, and I'm his deputy. Bart Cameron is an impatient man and he gets most impatient when he has to work up his income tax. You see, besides being sheriff, he also owns and runs the general store, he's got some shares in a sheep ranch, he's got a kind of pension for being a disabled veteran (bad knee) and a few other things like that. Naturally, it makes his tax figures complicated.
5It wouldn't be so bad if he'd let a taxman work on the forms with him, but he insists on doing it himself and it makes him a bitter man. By April 14, he isn't approachable. 要是他讓稅務人員幫他填表就不至于那么糟糕,可他非得要自己填,于是填得他牢騷滿腹。每年到了4月14日,他就變得難以接近。
6So it's too bad the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956.
7I saw it land. My chair was backed up against the wall in the sheriff's office, and I was looking at the stars through the windows and wondering if I ought to knock off and hit the sack or keep on listening to Cameron curse real steady as he went over his columns of figures for the hundred twenty-seventh time.
8It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broadened into two things that looked like rocket exhausts and the thing came down without a sound.
9Two men got out.
10I couldn't say anything or do anything. I couldn't choke or point; I couldn't even bug my eyes. I just sat there.
11Cameron? He never looked up.
12There was a knock on the door. It opened and the two men from the flying saucer stepped in. I would have thought they were city fellows if I hadn't seen the flying saucer land. They wore gray suits, with white shirts and dark red-brown ties. They had on black shoes and black hats. They had dark complexions, black wavy hair and brown eyes. They had very serious looks on their faces and were about five foot ten apiece. They looked very much alike.
13God, I was scared.
14But Cameron just looked up when the door opened and frowned. He said, "What can I do for you, folks?" and he tapped his hand on the forms so it was obvious he hadn't much time.
可卡默倫只是在門開的那會兒略一抬頭,皺了皺眉頭。 “有什么事嗎,伙計?”他邊說邊用手拍著稅單,顯然正忙著呢。
15One of the two stepped forward. He said, "We have had your people under observation a long time." He pronounced each word carefully and all by itself.
16Cameron said, "My people? All I got's a wife. What's she been doing?"
17The fellow in the suit said, "We have chosen this locality for our first contact because it is isolated and peaceful. We know that you are the leader here."
18"I'm the sheriff, if that's what you mean, so spit it out. What's your trouble?"
“我是治安官,這是你要說的吧,有什么話就直說, 你們遇到什么麻煩了?”
19"We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language."
20You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, "You guys foreigners?" Cameron didn't go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair.
21The man from the saucer said, "Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus."
22Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, "All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. I'm at your service. What can I do for you?"
23"We would like to have you make immediate arrangements for the important men of your U.S.A., as you call it, to be brought here for discussions leading to your people joining our great organization."
24Slowly, Cameron got red. "Our people join your organization. We're already part of the U.N. and God knows what else. And I suppose I'm to get the President here, eh? Right now? In Twin Gulch? Send a hurry-up message?" He looked at me, as though he wanted to see a smile on my face, but I couldn't as much as fall down if someone had pushed the chair out from under me.
25The saucer man said, "Speed is desirable."
26"You want Congress, too? The Supreme Court?"
27"If they will help, sheriff."
28And Cameron really went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, "Well, you're not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who come around, especially foreigners. If you don't get the hell out of here straight away, I'll lock you up for disturbing the peace and I'll never let you out."
29"You wish us to leave?" said the man from Venus.
30"Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever you're from and don't ever come back. I don't want to see you and no one else around here does."
31The two men looked at each other.
32Then the one who had done all the talking said, "I can see in your mind that you really wish, with great intensity, to be left alone. It is not our way to force ourselves or our organization on people who do not wish us or it. We will respect your privacy and leave. We will not return. We will put a warning around your world and none will enter."
33Cameron said, "Mister, I'm tired of this garbage, so I'll count to three -- "
34They turned and left, and I just knew that everything they said was so. I was listening to them, you see, which Cameron wasn't, because he was busy thinking of his income tax, and it was as though I could hear their minds, know what I mean? I knew that there would be a kind of fence around earth, keeping others out.
35And when they left, I got my voice back -- too late. I screamed, "Cameron, for God's sake, they're from space. Why'd you send them away?"
36"From space!" He stared at me.
37I yelled, "Look!" I don't know how I did it, he being twenty-five pounds heavier than I, but I heaved him to the window by his shirt collar.
38He was too surprised to resist and when he recovered his wits enough to make like he was going to knock me down, he caught sight of what was going on outside the window and the breath went out of him.
39They were getting into the flying saucer, those two men, and the saucer sat there, large, round, shiny and kind of powerful, you know. Then it took off. It went up easy as a feather and a red-orange glow showed up on one side and got brighter as the ship got smaller till it was a shooting star again, slowly fading out.
他們正在進入飛碟,就是那兩人,飛碟就在那兒,知道嗎,大大的, 圓圓的,亮晶晶的,挺有氣勢的。接著飛碟起飛了。它輕輕巧巧地上升,像根羽毛似的,一側發出一道桔紅色的光芒,那光越來越強烈,飛碟變得越來越小,最后重新變成一顆流星漸漸消失。
40And I said, "Sheriff, why'd you send them away? They had to see the President. Now they'll never come back."
41Cameron said, "I thought they were foreigners. They said they had to learn our language. And they talked funny."
42"Oh, fine. Foreigners."
43"They said they were foreigners and they looked Italian. I thought they were Italian."
44"How could they be Italian? They said they were from the planet Venus. I heard them. They said so."
45"The planet Venus." His eyes got real round.
46"They said it. They called it the watery place or something. You know Venus has a lot of water on it."
47But you see, it was just an error, a stupid error, the kind anyone could make. Only now Earth is never going to have another Venusian visit us. That dope, Cameron, and his income tax!
48Because he whispered, "Venus! When they talked about the watery place, I thought they meant Venice!"
Is there life on other planets? Not on those surrounding our sun, it seems. But what of other stars? Do they have planets capable of supporting life? This article sets out to explore the possibilities.
【This is just text A.Do u want text B?】
As long as you can insist on being grateful to others, restrained to yourself, devoted to things and cherishing things, it's very difficult for you to get a raise or promotion, or to realize your career dream. From now on, be a grateful person!
We will find such a successful way: as long as we learn to be grateful, we will find that the power of gratitude is extremely strong, it can make us full of passion and vitality every day.
Let our customers, bosses, colleagues, etc. be willing to trust and help us, let us understand the meaning of work and the true meaning of life, let our work become a career that can reflect the value of life rather than a means of making a living, so as to realize the leap from ordinary to outstanding.
Know the grace of dripping water, and report to each other when gushing spring. Every day is full of passion and vitality. Gain trust and help from customers, bosses, colleagues, etc. Work is no longer a means of making a living, but a career that can reflect the value of life. Have a strong network of contacts. To realize the meaning of life, we need to create a happy work and a good life with a grateful heart!
A grateful heart needs our hard work and happy life to nourish!
用表示時間的連詞連接一個句子作狀語,這樣的主從復合句就是時間狀語從句。連接時間狀語從句的連接詞有:when, before, after, while, as soon as, until, since...... 這里要注意一點的是,如果主句是一般將來時,從句只能用一般現在時表示將來意義。
when引導的從句的謂語動詞可以是延續性的動詞,可以是瞬時動詞。并且when有時表示“就在那時”。例如:When she came in, I stopped eating.她進來時,我停止吃飯。
A Wastebasket for His Mistakes
新澤西普林斯頓高級研究院的理事Abraham Flexner傾向于阻止名人教授的宣傳。所以他派拖船在班輪通過檢疫時將這位偉人迅速而神秘地從Westernland帶走。愛因斯坦的頭發從黑色的寬檐帽中露了出來,悄悄地下了運送他和他的黨員們前往曼哈頓下城的船,那里會有車將他們迅速帶往普林斯頓。“愛因斯坦博士想要的只是安靜和平?!?Flexner告訴記者。輪纖
Not Always an Einstein
然而他不是從小就是擁有高智商的愛因斯坦。他在德國慕尼黑長大,是Hermann和Pauling Einstein兩個孩子中的長子,他在學習說話這方面十分遲鈍?!拔业母改笇Υ撕苤保彼叵胫?,“于是他們咨詢了醫生?!?/p>
A Merry Science
與普遍的信仰相悖,愛因斯坦擅長數學。在他13歲時,“他偏愛用應用算法解決復雜的問題,”他的妹妹回憶著。他的叔叔Jakob Einstein,是一位工程師,向他介紹了代數的有趣之處,并稱之為“快樂的科學”,每當愛因斯坦取勝時,他“快樂的不得了”。
A Proud American
The Harmony of Nature and Math
他曾經幫助過一個15歲的孩子,Henry Rosso,接受了他的采訪。Rosso的老師提出采訪科學家可以取得高分,所以Rosso去愛因斯坦的家找他,沒想到竟被拒之門外。送奶員給了他一個小提示:愛因斯坦每天早晨9點半會走一段固定的路線,于是Rosso溜出學校跟著愛因斯坦。
這篇采訪使Henry Rosso的成績取得了A。