目錄大學(xué)體驗(yàn)英語第四版2答案 大學(xué)英語視聽說2答案完整版 聽說教程2答案李霄翔 大學(xué)體驗(yàn)英語李霄翔答案 大學(xué)體驗(yàn)英語3全書答案
一、1. 任何年滿18歲的人都有資格投票。(be eligible to,vote)
Answer:Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.
2. 每學(xué)期開學(xué)前,這些獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金的申請(qǐng)表格就會(huì)由學(xué)校發(fā)給每一個(gè)學(xué)生。(apply for, scholarship)
Answer:A form to apply for these scholarships issent by the university to every student before the start of every semester.
3. 遵照醫(yī)生的建議,我決定戒煙。(on the advice of)
Answer:On the advice of my doctor, I decided togive up smoking.
4. 公園位于縣沖則城的正中央。(be located in)
Answer:The park is located right in the centerof town.
5. 這所大學(xué)提供了我們所需的所有材銀悶料和設(shè)備。(facilities)
Answer:The university provides all the materialsand facilities we desire.
二、1. 他們花了多年的時(shí)間尋找內(nèi)心的平靜,但是收效甚微。(search for)
Answer:They spent many years searching for peaceof mind, but with little success.
2. 這種鋒判彎新藥的成功研制已經(jīng)使許多疾病的治療發(fā)生了根本性的變革。(revolutionize)
Answer:The successful development of the newdrug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases.
3. 由于這個(gè)國(guó)家的經(jīng)濟(jì)不景氣,這家公司瀕于破產(chǎn)。(on the edge of)
Answer:The company is on the edge of bankruptcydue to the economic depression in the country.
4. 大學(xué)畢業(yè)后他成為了一名護(hù)士。他認(rèn)為護(hù)士這一職業(yè)可能很有發(fā)展前途。(rewarding)
Answer:He became a nurse after college. Hethought nursing could be a very rewarding career.
5. 他像往常一樣在文件上簽了名。(just as)
Answer:He signed his name on the paper just ashe has always done it.
一、1. 警察們正忙著填寫關(guān)于這場(chǎng)事故的各種表格。(fill out)
Answer:The policemen are busy fi lling out formsabout the accident.
2. 我想在還車之前把油箱加滿。(fill up, fueltank)
Answer:I want to fi ll up the fuel tank beforereturning the car.
3. 如果你要投訴,最好遵循正確的程序。(follow theprocedure)
Answer:If you want to make a complaint, you’dbetter follow the correct procedure.
4. 要不是約翰幫忙,我們絕不會(huì)這么快就完成實(shí)驗(yàn)。(without)
Answer:We couldn’t have fi nished the experimentso soon without John’s help.
5. 暴風(fēng)雨之后,岸邊的人們焦急地搜索湖面以期發(fā)現(xiàn)小船的蹤跡。(scan for)
Answer:After the storm, the people on the shoreanxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.
二、1. 這個(gè)國(guó)家不大,但是在國(guó)際事務(wù)中它卻發(fā)揮著重要作用。(play a role)
Answer:This country is not big, but it plays animportant role in international affairs.
2. 正是在我叔叔的幫助下,我得以克服困難,按時(shí)完成了任務(wù)。(it is ... that)
Answer:It was with the help of my uncle that Iovercame the difficulty and completed the assignment in time.
3. 畢業(yè)時(shí)他決定留在北京,而他最好的朋友卻選擇了去西藏。(while)
Answer:While he decided to stay in Beijing upongraduation, his best friend chose to go to Tibet.
4. 在這次校園英語演講比賽中,我們班的瑪麗獲得了第三名。(come in)
Answer:In this Campus English Speaking Contest,Mary from our class came in third.
5. 你應(yīng)該知道學(xué)習(xí)彈鋼琴需要有時(shí)間,有金錢,還要有毅力。(as well as)
Answer:You should know that it takes time, moneyas well as perseverance to learn to play the piano.
一、1. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)量入為出地過日子越來越難了。(increasingly)
Answer:I find it increasingly difficult to livewithin my income.
2. 現(xiàn)代政治家們都試圖以電視講話來影響普通百姓。(reach out)
Answer:Modern politicians try to reach out toordinary people in their TV speeches.
3. 應(yīng)該幫助學(xué)生對(duì)人生采取積極的態(tài)度。(adopt)
Answer:Pupils should be helped to adopt apositive attitude to life.
4. 希望全班同學(xué)參加這些討論。(participate in)
Answer:Everyone in the class is expected toparticipate in these discussions.
5. 如果你犯了罪就必須受到懲罰。(crime)
Answer:If you commit a crime you must expect tobe punished.
Answer:The old woman was numbed by her son’sdeath.
2.身處所有這些煩惱之中,他依然能保持樂觀。(in the midst)
Answer:In the midst of all troubles, he managedto remain cheerful.
3. 雖有困難,他們還是設(shè)法堅(jiān)持試驗(yàn)下去。(carry on)
Answer:They managed to carry on theirexperiments in spite of the difficulties.
4.我們必須淘汰不合格的申請(qǐng)人。(weed out)
Answer:We have to weed out unqualifiedapplicants.
5. 醫(yī)生要他減少抽煙。(cut down on)
Answer:The doctor told him to cut down onsmoking.
一、1.她在公共汽車站一直等到末班車進(jìn)站。(come in)
Answer:Shewaited at the bus stop until the last bus came in.
Answer:Ifthere is any way we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
3 .他需要多少船務(wù)人員才能使他的游艇航行?(crew, yacht)
Answer:Howmany crew does he need to sail his yacht?
4 .雖然她的新書沒有上一本好,但是我還是喜歡它。(not quite as)
Answer:Ienjoyed her new book though it’s not quite as good as her last one.
5 .我從未遇到過如此善良的人。(never before)
Answer:Neverbefore have I met such a kind person.
二、1.公共汽車放慢速度并停下,讓那位乘客上車。(slow down)
Answer:The bus slowed downand stopped to allow the passenger to get on board.
2.許多車子都駛過去了,可是沒有一輛愿意讓我們搭便車。(roll by)
Answer:Many vehiclesrolled by, but no one offered us a ride.
3 .請(qǐng)勿踐踏草地。(get off)
Answer:Please get off thegrass.
4.他按妻子的吩咐,一下班就去了市場(chǎng)。(make one’s way)
Answer:He made his way tothe marketplace right after work, as his wife had asked him to do.
5 .值得慶幸的是,史蒂夫 (Steve) 從自行車上摔下來時(shí)沒有摔斷骨頭。(luckily)
Answer:Luckily, Stevedidn’t break any bones when he fell off his bike.
一、1. 我們得把感情放在一邊,從專業(yè)的角度來對(duì)待這件事。(from a professional standpoint)
Answer:We have to put aside our emotions andtake it from a professional standpoint.
2. 這部戲非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激動(dòng)人心的劇情之中。(lose oneself in)
Answer:The play was so wonderful that I soonlost myself in the excitement of it.
3 .她沒有什么愛好——除非你把看電視也算是一種愛好。(unless)
Answer:She hasn’t got any hobbies — unless youcall watching TV a hobby.
4. 他說他是直接從市長(zhǎng)本人那里得到這個(gè)信息的。(first-hand)
Answer:He said that he had got the informationfirst-hand from the Mayor himself.
5 .既然你不能回答這個(gè)問題,我們最好問問別人。(since)
Answer:Since you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someoneelse.
二、1. 由于公共汽車司機(jī)突然剎車,旅客們都不由自主地向前摔倒。(brake, pitch forward)
Answer:All the passengers pitched forwardbecause the bus driver braked sharply.
2. 這個(gè)協(xié)議將沖破對(duì)自由貿(mào)易設(shè)置的障礙。(break through,obstacle)
Answer:This agreement will break through theobstacles to free trade.
3 .我剛放下叫出租車的電話,車就來了。(soon after)
Answer:The taxi arrived soon after I rang forit.
4. 在過去,不管我什么時(shí)候到家,我父母總會(huì)等我。(no matter)
Answer:My parents always waited up for me nomatter what time I got home.
5 .由于沒有一方愿意讓步,兩個(gè)公司之間的對(duì)話完全破裂了。(break down)
Answer:Talks between the two companies completely broke down, because neitherof them wanted to give in.
Ex. 3: CAAAC
Ex. 4:
1 version2publications3click
4 spotted5refugee 6 entries
7 financial8 full-time 9 detailed
10 annual
Ex. 5:
1 set up2 came across3 referred…to
4 check out5 learnt of/learned of
Ex. 6: 1.career 2.interview 3.procedure 4.exhibit 5.profile
Ex. 7:
The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident.
I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car.
If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure.
We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without john’s help.
After the storm. The people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.
Ex. 8:
1 He had just been promoted to vice president of the company and wasn’t expecting another promotion in six months.
2 Shortly after he graduated from school, he jumped to a satisfactory job.
3 Most colleges and universities have their homepages, enabling applicants to scan for the information available about the university they want to apply to.
4 With a click of her mouse, she submitted her assignment to the tutor and soon got the reply.
5 By accessing the website of the university she was going to study in, she saw color photos of the university, including a detailed map of the university campus.
Ex. 12: BDDCA
Ex. 13:
1 stressed 2 distinguished 3 invest
4 matured 5covered 6 soured7 concept
8 balance9 discount10 discipline
Ex. 14:
1 paid off 2 make ends meet3 To this day
4 picked up 5 thanks to
Ex. 15:
1. I’m not supposed to(=am not allowed to) let anyone in without an ID card, but I’ll make an exception in your case.
2. He has learned his lesson from the failure and won’t repeat the mistake.
3. I have great faith in your ability –I’m sure you’ll succeed.
4. Even though it was raining, we still went on with our match.
5. I woke up to find myself lying on a hospital bed.
Ex. 17:
1. would write; would have written 2. could see; could have seen3. might break; might have broken 4. gave, had given5. were, had been
Ex. 19:
Were she interested, I would telephone her.
Were John here, we would soon learn the truth.
They would be here with us should they have the time.
Should I see you, I would invite you home.
Should she try harder next time, she would pass the examination.
1-5 DCBAC 6-10 DACDA
11-15 BCDBA 16-20 BDCCA
21-25 BDBDC 26-30 DBBDC
31-35 BDACC 36-40 ADBBD
41-45 BDABA 46-50 BCCDB
51-55 CEBGF
56. He donated it to an animal charity/ Metro Animal Control.
57. A cat named Kitty.
58. They were / felt amazed.
59. It will be used to care for homeless cats / enhance / improve the homeless cats’ lives.
60. Because he loved animals.
61. ... father and I went fish.
fish → fishing
62. ... a couple of hour ... hour → hours
63. ... most favorite lake. 去掉most
64. ... around a lake ... a → the
65. ... they should fish ... they → we
66. I was exciting ... exciting →運(yùn)困中 excited
67. ... so there just ... so → but
68. ... being patiently ...
patiently → patient
69. ... wait the fish ... wait后尺嫌加for
70. ... thing I catch ... catch → caught
UNIT 11 Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.2 A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semester.3 On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking.4 The park is located right in the center of town.5 The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire.UNIT 21 The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 2 I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car.3 If you want to make a complaint, you`d better follow the correct procedure.4 We couldn't have finished the experiment so soon without John's help.5 After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.
默認(rèn)分類 2010-04-09 14:06:22 閱讀8272 評(píng)論7 字號(hào):鎮(zhèn)升激大中小 訂閱
P14 3.1.B, 2.D, 3.B, 4.A, 5.A 4. 1.elected, 2.minimum, 3.distinct,4.responsibility, 5.pursue,6.exploit,7.restrict,8.equip, 9.granted, 10.awarded 5.1.atlarge, 2.on the basis of, 3.in support of,4.apply for, 5.is aiming at
P21 12. 1.B, 2.D,3.A, 4.A, 5.B 13.1.challenge, 2.had transformed, 3.engage,4.occurred, 5.urged,6.cancel, 7.prejudice, 8.foundation, 9.beliefs, 10.constructive14. 1.rests with, 2.in recognition of, 3.infact, 4.provides for, 5.keep...up
P36 3.1.C, 2.A, 3.A, 4.A,5.C4.1.version, 2.publications, 3.click, 4.spotted,5.refugees,6.entries, 7.financial, 8.full-time, 9.detailed, 10.annual 5.1.setup, 2.came across, 3.referred...to ,4.check out, 5.learnt of / learned of
P4212.1.B,2.D, 3.D, 4.C,5.A 13. 1.stressed,2.distinguished, 3.invest, 4.matured,5.covered, 6.soured, 7.concept, 8.balance, 9.discount, 10.discipline14.1.paidoff, 2.make ends meet, 3.To this day,4.picked up, 5.thanks to
P58 3.1. A; 2. B; 3. B; 4. C; 5. D4.1. attractive 2. fascination 3. statement 4. despite 5. items 6. define 7.image 8. concerned 9. belongings 10.necessities 5.1. step back 2.identify with 3. dressing up 4. turned to/looked to 5. feed off
P6412. 1.D,2.B, 3.D, 4.D,5.B 13. 1. economic 2.estimated 3. measurable 4. inspired 5. maximize 6. motivate 7. created 8.distribute 9. concerning 10.abuse 14.1. by name 2. identify(her) with 3. participate in 4. speak for 5.take (firm) action
P783. 1. D; 2. C; 3. B; 4. B; 5. A4.1. signal 2. crash 3. distress 4. grace 5. exploded 6. collision 7. lowered8. beamed 9. scatter 10.destruction 5.1. combedthrough 2. in any case 3. ended in 4. bound for 5. on board
P8412.1.T, 2.F, 3.F, 4.T,5.F13. 1.wandering 2. unloading 3. crushed 4. slightest 5. appreciation 6. giant 7.steer 8. knelt 9. leaped 10.slammed 14.1.as good as new 2. in the nick of time/in time 3. at play 4. head for/make for5. put away
P983.1. B; 2. A; 3. D; 4. C; 5.A4.1. was sinking2. specialty 3. purely 4. discourage 5. unlikely 6. dynamics 7. actually 8.reasonably 9. have perceived 10.extended5.1. took a deepinterest in; 2. fell into; 3. sign up; 4. try (it) out; 5. dropped out of
P10412.1.B, 2.D, 3.B, 4.D,5.A13. 1. bound 2.sustain 3. obstacle 4. restored 5. approval6. shift 7. emphasize 8. undergo 9. invincible 10.appearance 14.1. set out2. at a time 3. in ... shape 4. stopped short 5. turned to
p1183.1.D, 2.A, 3.D, 4.C,5.B 4. 1. clapped 2. defend 3. quit 4. perfection 5. interview6. survey 7. exclusive 8. storage 9. observed 10.cover 5.1. count ... out 2. be unaware of 3. stopped in his tracks 4. At times5. turn ... around
P124 12.1.B, 2.C, 3.B, 4.D,5.C13. 1. deprived 2. healthful 3.combine 4. determined 5. lifestyle6. balance 7.approach 8. solutions 9. miserable 10.deserves14.1. out ofreach 2. in tune with 3. set your mind to 4. come off 5. trail and error
P1383.1.A, 2.A, 3.C, 4.D,5.B 4. 1. optimist 2. reconstruction 3. sway 4. principles 5.gross 5.1.brought out her best 2. turn out 3.works out 4. Hang in there 5. by nature
P14412.1.F, 2.T, 3.T, 4.T,5.T 13. 1. anyway 2. spat 3. Adjusting 4. frequently 5. chilly 6.regularly 7. grip 8. pinching 9. scraped 10.crawl14. 1. on the phone 2. as a result of 3. back and forth 4. aroundthe corner 5. hold onto
P158 3. 1.B, 2.A, 3.D,4.A, 5.C 4.1.adequate2. vitally3. document4. distribution5.urban6. potential7. continual8. infecting9.threat 10. updated5. 5.1. let down 2. came across as 3.In the back of (his) mind 4. as a matter of course 5. cleaning up
P165 12. 1.F,2.F, 3.F, 4.T,5.F 13.1. colonies 2. technologically 3. cursed 4. corresponding 5. delete 6. dread 7.swear 8. were spared 9. protection 10.dumb 14. 1. was cordoned off 2. fired up 3. queued up 4. get ridof 5. poured into