目錄怪獸電力公司2國語 怪獸大學 怪獸大學國語版免費 考入怪獸大學英文 怪獸大學勵志臺詞英文
Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn'虛局t always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldn't stand each other. "Monsters University" unlocks the door to how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends.
In monster units, large blame mike Sullivan and MAO blame the two brothers are inseparable companions. But things are not right from the first. In monster university, mike and Sullivan from see the first side cannot tolerate each other. But after a series of things, two people finally solve their differences and accept each other, and to the best of friends.
The monster university of concept map, the big eye son mike Sullivan and MAO blame step into big moment of campus gate, the students around them is full of all kinds of monsters. "Monster university" is the first time in 2001, pixar villain as the leading role of animated sequel to "the monster power unit, two of the much-loved monsters will be on the screen, please in time, and will be entered the university as a ? reading
英文版配音 中文配音
大眼仔比利·克里褲野斯托/Billy Crystal何炅
毛怪約翰·古德曼/John Goodman徐崢
郝刻薄院長海倫·米倫/Helen Mirren 林蘭
史乖寶 彼得·索恩/Peter Sohn陳喆
《怪獸大學》高清資源免費在線觀看; 虛正
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自幼憧憬驚嚇專員職業的大眼仔麥克·華斯基(比利·克里斯托 Billy Crystal 配音),終于如愿考入曾走出過無數傳奇人物的怪獸大學驚嚇學院。對于這個相貌討喜、絲毫沒有任何恐怖氣場的小怪物來說,死啃書本差盯悔似乎是實現夢想的唯一途徑。與之相對,系出驚嚇名門的同學毛怪詹姆士·蘇利文(約翰·古德曼 John Goodman 配音)天生是周圍同學關注的焦點,完全一副什么都無所謂的浪蕩公子哥做派。
倒霉的則渣是這兩個脾氣完全不合的家伙惹到了極其嚴格的院長迪安·哈德斯克萊博(海倫·米倫 Helen Mirren 配音),結果在期中考試時被三振出局,驅逐出驚嚇學院。不甘失敗的大眼仔抓住一線機會,集結團隊報名參加兄弟會舉辦的驚嚇游戲,只要獲勝的話便有機會重返驚嚇學院。而在高手云集的賽場上,大眼仔與毛怪即將迎接前所未有的挑戰……